2015 Indycar Season- Part One

The 2015 season will always bring a tear to my eye as it will be remembered as the season when we lost Justin Wilson. Justin was a family favorite we had the privilege of meeting a couple times and we will greatly miss him. While nothing can ever take away the pain of losing a driver, there were still many positives to the 2015 season. Many I’ve already wrote about but here is a quick look at how the season went for us.

May 2015- The boys and I attended the second GP of Indy. We took advantage of the free garage tours at IMS and met Larry Foyt and James Hinchcliffe among others. Read about it here

 I was also thrilled that we finally attended our first Indy 500. It was a perfect day and we had a fantastic time. Read about it here

June 2015- Shortly after the Indy 500 I received a tweet from Ben Hinch of NextGenIndy.com asking if I would be interested in contributing to his website. It didn’t take me long to decide that I would love to. I still struggle to write some pieces for the site. I’m so used to stating my opinion rather than just the facts but Ben has been great and I’ve been able to write some opinion pieces for the site too. It does take up more time so I’m afraid my posts on Ikissedthebricks have not received the attention I would like to give them. I hope to have a better balance in the future.

July 2015- The boys and I attended the race at Milwaukee. It was their first time at Milwaukee and their favorite race I believe. We had such a fun time. Read about it here and here.We also had the coolest ending to our story with James Hinchliffe and Ryan Briscoe. Read about that here. I had over 300 visitors to my blog to read that post, so much higher than my usual. I was so thankful for that because that post showed how great the IndyCar guys are and that is the message I always want to get out. 

 August 2015- The loss of Justin hit my family hard. but seeing the way the IndyCar family pulled together reminded me why I love this sport so much.

September 2015- Graham Rahal put together an auction to raise money for the Wilson Children’s Fund. It is currently running and so far is doing great. Most things are way out of my price range. That is a good thing though. I want to see lots of money raised for the Wilson family.
Doug Garrison of Garrison Studios also encouraged donations to the fund. Doug offered a print of Justin to anyone who sent a contribution of $59.00 or more. I took advantage of Doug’s generosity and am now the proud owner of print No. 6/25 of Justin Wilson Bad Ass. I had it framed immediately and am just deciding on the perfect place to hang it. 

 So how do I rank the 2015 season? I can’t. I would have said it was the best season ever. The racing was fantastic and I shared so many fun times with my boys. The loss of Justin though changed everything. While I will always remember the fun times of the 2015 season I will always struggle with saying it was a great season. How can you say a season was great when we lost Justin?

Contributions for the Wilson family can be made at justinwilson.co.uk/donate